Sweet potato might be one of the favorite carbs of those who are trying to control their carb intake. Aside from making you feel full for hours, it has zero fat and cholesterol but is high in potassium and Vitamin C.

Chicken-spinach sandwich with Sweet Potato Fries and Kiwi on the side. 

Sweet potato bread:
2 pcs mashed sweet potatoes
1 tbsp flour
1 egg

Bake for 15 mins

In a pan, sauté chicken and spinach and add beaten egg and wait until it form.

Sandwich the chicken and spinach into the sweet potato bread, add mozarella then heat in the oven until the cheese is melted. 


    A chubby architect who aims to be fit and healthy through a shift into a healthy lifestyle. Eating the right foods coupled with good exercise and workouts. I started this lifestyle last December 2012 when I started to become uncomfortable with my body and my workout regimen seems to be not effective. I just woke up one day and decided to make a 360 degree turn in my lifestyle. And after months of deciding to become fit, I already lost almost 15 kilos and aim to lose more.

    I will share some of my food experiments as well as some exercise that might be an inspiration for people out there who aim to become healthy and fit and I hope you will enjoy and get some inspiration from my posts. Have a good day!


    October 2013


    Sweet Potato

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